Archive for August, 2008

Urban Mapping have produced a map of New York and Chicago printed with multiple layers that can be viewed separately just by tipping the map back and forth. There is a layer for streets, neigbourhood and for the subway. A fantastic way of increasing the usability of a 2D map. Watch a video about it […]

A few examples of how to bring graphical explanations into the real world. Perhaps this sort of application can communicate to even more people because it is less “nerdy” and more approachable. The first is called TerraForm and is a short film by Johannes Brückner which simply describes globalization and the challenges it creates for […]

A friend of a friend, etc, needs someone to design a record sleeve. A gatefold no less. There is hardly the scent of money involved, but vinyl gatefold jobs don’t come around too often. It’s for a “disco/lo-fi punk” artist with strong political influences. The brief is very tight, but could be fun to work […]

Social Design Site reports on the Good Gym, a project where participants get fit whilst doing some good for the community. For example, whilst on your daily run you could also deliver a newspaper to a less mobile member of your community. The project is particularly targetting loneliness and isolation for older people in Britain […]

I can hardly believe that in about a month I will be in another country and back in school – I think the last exam I had was my driving test – so this will be interesting. I have given my fair share of presentation tips over the last couple of years whilst teaching, but […]

BMX Bandits


Thanks to the LA Times’ graphics department I now know that BMX riding makes its Olympic debut this year. Cool. Off to watch BMX Bandits now to get in the mood… There’s more of the graphic at the Times’ site.

Font Conference


A slightly amusing pastiche of classic heroes and villains dressed up as common fonts. Thnx Surfstation



Moving to another country is great if you like cleansing your life of the detritus of past lives. Today I recycled all my teaching notes and archived the originals electronically. I’ve also been tidying up my bookmarks in Firefox (yes I have Delicious, but I still prefer to see my links in tidy folders) and […]



Industreal is an Italian company with some very whimsical designs. DesignBoom has a brief post about their new collection, including a pic of my new favourite soup bowl, complete with shark fin. Pearly, this one’s for you.