Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category



I have seriously neglected this blogging thing whilst studying an MA Information Design. I have now created a new blog that is less Publication Design focussed and more about design and life in general. This blog may get retired soon, so head on over to KTC.

I was once told that over 300 people a year are killed by swinging doors. I initially thought of the classic swinging doors from saloons in western movies, but I think it was more to do with normal doors opening and cracking people in the head. Doors can also be fatal to cyclists, and this […]

Free lecture


Design for the other 90% was an exhibition held at the Cooper Hewitt Museum in New York and explored the design innovations targetting the 90% of the world’s population who do not have access to most of the products and services we take for granted. The curator of the exhibition is in Australia and is […]


The other blog


I also have a blog for my other class, Introduction to Design Research. This is for 2nd year students in the Associate Degree. There will be more up on it about theoretical perspectives of socially motivated design as well as interesting ways to visualise and communicate research findings. There may be some cross overs with […]

More dots


Thanks Emmanuel for the tip off about another peeling dot. This time it’s at Good magazine which is – in every other way – a great magazine. And another at This Next.



Tonight at 8pm is the deadline for new enrollments for the upcoming election. If you are already enrolled but you need to change your address, you have until 8pm on October 23. You can download forms from the electoral commission website. You can check if you are enrolled here.


Typography School A film about the London School of Printing.

Logolalia has some very interesting art projects, including this one entitled Altered Books. The project is described as follows: Cut the bindings off of books found at a used book store. Find poems in the pages by the process of obliteration. Put pages in the mail and send them all around the world. Lather, rinse, […]



826NYC is a nonprofit organization which helps New York students ages 6-18 with their creative writing skills. They offer free workshops and provide students with a forum for creating projects they might not otherwise have the support to undertake. Workshops range from the playful to the practical, and all are taught by volunteer writers, artists, […]